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.NET Interview FAQ - Part I

                       This is the first part of frequently asked questions in .net and SQL Server. The answers will be given soon.

FAQ from .Net
1.    What is .NET?
2.    What are the main components of the .net Framework?
3.    What is IL?
4.    What is Manifest?
5.    What is the difference between Namespace and assembly?
6.    Differentiate the Frame works 1.0,2.0,3.0 and 4.0
7.    ASP.Net Page Lifecycle?
8.    ASP.Net event life cycle?
9.    What is state management?
10. What is the validation controls used in
11. What is sealed class, static class, partial class and abstract class?
12. Difference between dataset and data view?
13. What are generics?
14. Consume web service with jquery?
15. Difference between Response.Redirect() and Server.Transfer()?
16.  What is CLS, CTS, CLR, JIT and MTL?
17.  Difference between DLL and EXE?
18.  Usage and functionality of Global.asax?
19.  What is Assembly and versioning?
20.  What Garbage collector?
21.  How to call Garbage Collector in Code?
22.  Questions from OOPS.
23.  What is overloading and overriding?
24.  Difference between abstract class and Interface?
25.  Difference between Array and Array List?
26.  Difference between strings and string builder
27.  What is App.Config and Web.Config?
28.  Difference between synchronize and asynchronies
29.  What is dataset clone and copy?
30.  Define Custom Control and User Control.
31.  What is Delegates?
32.  What is auto variant events?
33.  Difference between dataset and data reader.
34.  What is exception?
35.  Difference between authentication and authorization?
36.  What is Stack and Heap?
37.  What is Web service?
38.  What is WCF?
39.  Difference between WCF and ASMX?
40.  What is end point?
41.  What are the validation controls available in .net?
42.  What is the range validator control?
43.  What is view state?
44.  How to manage the state in
45.  In order to get the assembly information what namespace you should use?
46. What is smart navigation?
47.  What is the difference between Dispose() and Finalize()
48. What is code access secutiry(CAS)
49.  Difference between managed and un managed code?
50.  What are tuples

1.    What is SQL?
2.    What is Stored Procedures?
3.    What are the parameters of stored procedures and its usage?
4.    What is Cluster?
5.    What is Index?
6.    Types of Index and its difference?
7.    What is primary key, foreign key, unique key and their difference?
8.    What are joins and its types, difference?
9.    What are the levels of a stored procedure?
10. What is view and advantages of view?
11.  What are magic tables?
12.  What is bulk insert?
13.  Difference between the delete and truncate

FAQ from Client Scripting

1.    What are the client side scripting available?
2.    What is javascript?
3.    What is jQuery?
4.    What is the need of jQuery?
5.    What is json?
6.    Difference between the Click and Live?
7.    What are the features of jQuery?
8.    What are the different types of selectors in jQuery?

FAQ From Interviews

1.    There are two classes A,B. The Class A is a Base class which is having the private constructor. Class B is a derived class which is having the public constructor. When I inherit the class A into B, What will happens?

2.     There are two tables A,B.

Table A


When I Use Left outer join How many rows will be return? What will be the output?

3.    How to get the Third highest total from a table.


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