This is the first part of frequently asked questions in .net and SQL Server. The answers will be give n soon. FAQ from .Net 1. What is .NET? 2. What are the main components of the .net Framework? 3. What is IL? 4. What is Manifest? 5. What is the difference between Namespace and assembly? 6. Differentiate the Frame works 1.0,2.0,3.0 and 4.0 7. ASP.Net Page Lifecycle? 8. ASP.Net event life cycle? 9. What is state management? 10. What is the validation controls used in 11. What is sealed class, static class, partial class and abstract class? 12. Difference between dataset and data view? 13. What are generics? 14. Consume web service...
Hi, nice description about N-Tier Architecture Design Using MVC, Entity Framework and WCF .Thanks for your help..